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Post subject: The free minders again Reply with quote  

Hello All

Most FI (Free-Islam) readers may have known already that the Kuffar web site banned my home IP address months ago, a cowardly act by their confused web master and their team of puppets, as if I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m desperate to post there, I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m actually glad that it happened this way because it gave me a good reason not to post there any more, however the coward free minders don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t want me to even read their forum, reminds me with the cowards who rule most Arab countries, isn�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t the web master of FM an Arab?, well, rest in peace locked minders, I took an oath by Allah that I will never ever post on your kuffar site any more, but let me ask any locked minder in there, why you don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t want me to read it?, of course reading it won�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t make me insult the clear cut enemy of Allah like lobster and his likes, let me make you feel relaxed then, I totally lost interest in reading the non sense on your web site, even though you banned my home IP address, I can still browse your forum if I want to, but as I said I never go there not even once for the last 6 months or so despite I can with ease, I have tens of public IP addresses at my disposal so banning an IP address is no problem for an MSCE like me, also I have another account, you might as well delete it, it is under the name Azza, I really have nothing to do with you guys any more, I believe that I destroyed most if not all of your Tom and Jerry arguments and the Game is Over with you, now I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m moving on to fight another malice cult.

A few days back I received a PM from a member on FI informing me with yet another non sense by Anwar (progod of free-mids) and wanted me to have a look at it:

Now Progod is dissemating articles that destroy the concept of being an Arab,
the articles are completely gay, I'm not even going to waste my time answering that shit, but thought you might also find him hilarious

I informed him that my home IP address is banned and I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m not interested to go there any more, this was my reply to him:

I can't browse FM, they blocked my IP address for months, they are the dictators


This was his reply back:

My goodness, what happened for them to do that?

As you can see, he is shocked, it�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s a clear proof that they are not free minders as they lie about themselves, rather a bunch of ignorant dictators who rule by locking freedom.

The freedom I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m talking abut is my freedom to defend against those bunch of punks like lobster and his likes who tell us that Allah lied to us in the Quran, the confused coward web master of FM bans me because I called such confused 17 years old boy (lobster) a clear cut enemy of Allah and added him to the Wall of Shame list on FI, but it was sweet with such confused web matter and his puppets that this confused kid tells us Allah is a liar, and if you go there and read all that kid posts, you will read noting but crap and non sense that comes only from a kafir who is also an enemy of Allah, ironically that kid is a member on my web site and I never banned him nor I will do as such cowards do on their kuffar web site

Anyway, a few days back, I received an email from Tanveer who is also a member on FM reporting that he got banned accidentally on FI (it is an automatic software that may wrongly detect an intruder and ban genuine users, I got banned myself a few times but I found that you can protect an IP address from the accidental banning), he informed me that he was trying to add a link to Tas-hih Al Bukhari thread on FI, I unbanned his IP address and informed him despite Tanveer and myself crossed many times in a very bad way and he attacked me personally, l even offered to protect his IP address from accidental banning but he never replied

Today I had a server to build on site, so while I was sitting there doing nothing as the progress bar goes from 0 to a 100 at the customer site, I hooked my laptop to their LAN and decided to have a look for the first time in months on that thread by progod, I actually never read it nor I will now, however what took my attention is another thread and the only thread I read during my visit today, was boring indeed, anyway I copied one page out of that 9 page thread and decided to reply to it here.

The thread is titled Interesting post regarding Bukhari & Mushrik by ade_cool who joined FI a few days ago (welcome to him):


Ahmed says :

Thanks bro for circulating this important information, I hope it may be of a use to any sincere Muslim who is struggling to save our religion from the enemy within.

A member in the name of OPF replied as follow:

That's NOT AhmedBahgat!?!?!??!

Ahmed says :

Yes it�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s me, may I ask, why it sounds strange to you?

A member in the name of jankren replied as follow:

Lol, Its been a while since the last time that Clear Cut Enemy Of Allah posted here.

Ahmed says :

Hmm, what was laughable about it mister Junkren?

Also how dare you call me a clear cut enemy of Allah?, can you back up your lies you confused piece of junk?

At least for those that I accuse them of being enemy of Allah like confused 17 years old kid lobster, my accusation is very well backed up by the Quran, so you really need to shut the hell up and just indulge in your ignorance, I don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t know you nor I want to know such lows like you

OPF replied back as follow:

What I mean is that he wrote a very good piece.

Ahmed says :

Hmm, again may I ask, why it is strange that Ahmed Bahgat writes a good article?

A member in the name of amuslim who also joined FI a few days back (welcome to him as well) replied to junkren silly comment and clear cut lie as follow:

How is he an enemy of Allah? Seems like a good written article to me. Peace

junkren replied as follow:

Lol, I was kidding.

Ahmed says :

Obviously your sense of humour sucks, I guess you are the only one laughing, yeh laughing at your stupidity

He used to be a member here

Ahmed says :

And will never be a member at your kuffar web site any more, it�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s a total waste of my valued time to be honest

and he was such a fanatic

Ahmed says :

So you are calling me a fanatic because I insult those who insult Allah, well, I reckon a piece of shameless junk like you must be added to the Hall of Shame on FI, will do after I finish this comment

that he got banned for calling another member Clear Cut Enemy Of Allah.

Ahmed says :

That confused 17 years old kid was calling Allah a liar you freak, the Muslims like you are indeed shame to Islam than the confused sunni if I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m asked, did you forget that this confused kid was calling himself Allah?, yeh yeh a piece of junk like you must forget of course

That is why he is associated with that term ever since among older members who are familiar with him.

Ahmed says :

Haha, you are such a clear cut jerk, the words are clear cut you punk and many of those older member (I guess older in age not in experience) use it too, Samia just used it in a comment to someone on this thread, did you see it blind?, it is not the words that are associated with me it is me who took a confused punk like you with total surprise, don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t worry after this comment I will dismiss ya for life, I hope you do it too with me, fair enough junk?

He did make great contributions though.

Ahmed says :

Oh really, I actually regret that you ever read my work, why the hell you used to read it confused jerk?

But he was just not tolerant enough toward others.

Ahmed says :

Yeh junk how many bloody times I have to say it, I have no bloody tolerance to any punk like lobster who calls Allah a liar or manipulate the Arabic Quran as the many of your cult followers do to suit their man made feel good religion, I have no mercy with such kafirs bound to hell

amuslim replied to junkren:

I kind of figured that, but I wasnt sure so I just went with what you said. He said that to a Sunni/Shia or something? Guess he's just on the other end of the spectrum, as Sunnis/Shias would be calling us kafiroons. Peace

Ahmed says :

That�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s right sir, I call any free minder a Kafir enemy of Allah when he/she calls Allah a liar, or Mohammed never existed, or the Quran is a crappy book.

Junkren replied back as follow:

He insulted Lobster with that term just because he did not believe in some of the content of Al Quran.

Ahmed says :

You are such a filthy liar, I called him as such when he said Allah lied to us in the Quran you freak, again did you forget that this confused 17 years old kid called himself Allah?

It is also enough to be called a kafir enemy of Allah when you reject any part of the Quran you confused

On another forum he even called this forum a Kufar Forum after he got banned from here.

Ahmed says :

Of course junk, it is a place where the majority are kafirs who lie about Allah and manipulate His words, and btw I will continue to do so and label a kaffar web site any where I go, this is what most of you are, face the music punk

The man has the heart of a Taliban I tell you.

Ahmed says :

Trying to be funny again, I told ya your humour sucks, well you have seen nothing yet

Can you stop me punk?

Yeh yeh you can ban my IP address, haha

ade_cool replied to amuslim as follow:

Salam amuslim,I also think the post/article is very good ...It gives me a new perspective that I have never thought before ...
And btw, I like the video clip embedded in the first post

Ahmed says:

I�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??m delighted that it explained a few things to you, the credit goes to Allah

There will be more video about that Mushrik bro, I have him on sight for a one on one debate on the Egyptian TV inshaallah

amuslim replied to junkern as follow:

Assalamu Alaykum,
Hrmm...well if lobster didnt agree with something in the Quran, wouldnt that make him a a "rejecter" of the Quran?

Ahmed says :

Of course mate, that confused kid called himself Allah, he also called Allah a liar and many other crap regarding the Quran and the stories in it. he is a clear cut kafir and he also opposes the message of the Quran after calling it crappy, he thinks that he can wri8te a better book than Allah, this makes him a clear cut enemy of Allah

No offense to lobster or anyone, but just saying as a fact.

Ahmed says :

Of course it is a clear cut fact that lobster is a kafir and an enemy of Allah at the same time because He insults Allah and lie about Him

Like if I didnt agree with something in the Quran. Not saying that he was right, but just asking about the context of the word.

Ahmed says :

Allah said to Mohammed to say: O Kafiroon�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?�?????�????�???�??�?�¦.., calling someone a kafir is not wrong as long as that person shows clear signs of kufr and what clear sign of kufr than calling Allah a liar?

It is the dictator of FM who wants to run a kindergarten along with his puppets

Calling this forum kufar...was it just because he was banned or was he saying that before as well?

Ahmed says :

I was accusing many of Kufr including the web master before I was banned, however I finally concluded that is a place controlled by Satan, so yes I call it kuffar web site and will continue to do so as long as they promote their non sense and lies against Allah.

Why the hell they have a bloody right to call all those who go to mecca idol worshippers and I can�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t call most of those on FM Kuffars?

To tell you the truth, his views on hadith seem very good to me. I dont know this man personally on this board, so I guess Ill have to view his personality on that other one.

Ahmed says :

Take your time bro if you want to know my personality, what you see is what you get, this is how I can put it simply to you, at the end of the day Allah is the best witness between all of us

And finally siki replied as follow:

This forum is no more the same without A.B , and indeed it is great loss for the people who are genuinely interested in learning.

Thanks bro, Allah is my best witness that this is what I want to do which is to help others learn the Arabic Quran, others take it as a game of fame and a way to gain respect and admiration, they use charm to achieve their goals, I don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t do that because I don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t beg people to learn nor I have hidden agenda or objectives like theirs.


Post Posted:
Mon 13 Aug, 2007 11:16 pm
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Post subject: Re: The free minders again Reply with quote  

Bro Ahmed Salam,

Those people are just crap, you have a good heart Masha Allaah and Allaah knows the best ofcourse as your journey is returning towards Allaah.

Anyways they cant refute anything but call u a kafir which is pretty easy job done right. Well take care brother.

Post Posted:
Tue 14 Aug, 2007 7:41 am
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firon minds! loosers on earth loosers in afterlife hahahaha!!! and yea! no need to waste brains on these less/minds ppl.
Post Posted:
Tue 14 Aug, 2007 9:26 am
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