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Post subject: The Muslims on Reply with quote  

Salam all

I joined that board in 2005, never been very active though, it's just another place where they indulge themselves with the hearsay hadith, back then I posted my movie "You have been warned", then today I went there and posted the new link to the movie, a debate initiated by some freaks who came in to mock me, most of them are clear cut jerks btw, when things heated up and I started posting my article "Exposing Al Mushrikoon", they deleted the whole thread without any warning, I informed them with their shame in another thread which I'm sure will be deleted by those bias and unjust sect followers, I will never post there again, for me, they are nothing but a bunch of cowards who can not reply to those who are exposing them, they prefer to stay dumb, deaf, blind and mute indulging in their shirk

May Allah guide them

Post Posted:
Sun 16 Mar, 2008 10:05 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Salam all

I would like to add a bit of merit to this thread, I had a look at my deleted items and found all the email regarding all the replies I received for my thread ?????????????????????¢??You have been warned?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? that I posted back in 2005 (I think) on

To my good luck, all the replies by other members are embedded in these notification emails that I received, however I don?????????????????????¢??t have my replies to them of course, they deleted it, possibly I will be able to pick up a few from any quotes within the emails:

Let me first explain the situation to everyone, a few years back I joined a few sectarian forums, I just wanted to see what they write and how they defend their religion, I was not really fascinated by such places, it is all about boredom, dictatorship, unjust, hearsay, conjectures, biased, what I also found shocking that they bloody dare to delete comments that walk them through verses from Allah book (the Quran), same happened on and, the latest is the web site in question in relation to this thread

Back in 2005 I spent very lil time in there I only made 14 comments and just left, it can?????????????????????¢??t be my place unless I expose their flaws with no mercy, they are welcome to expose my flaws but they are just too cowards to do so, they either ban me or delete my Quran comment, that was one of the main reasons I launched Free-Islam, the place that no jerk, coward or dictator will be able to stop me from expressing my views regarding the current affairs and what led to it

Anyway, back then one of my 14 comments on that web site ( is my movie which I?????????????????????¢??m very proud of, it?????????????????????¢??s so simple but yet very powerful, you can watch it on the Multimedia sub forum on Free-Islam, yesterday I visited that web site and just went through my 14 comments trying to remember what I have done there ages ago, I spotted my movie url and was not working, the thread was mine, back then I had realized that it is a sectarian forum (obvious from its name) so I was very careful not to get into such crap regarding the Music being halal or haram, so I added a note in the main thread back then that I don?????????????????????¢??t consider Music to be haram if associated with any act that is not haram, in my example, I was spreading the warning regarding hell as mentioned in the Quran , no way this act can be haram, therefore for me the music I used as background can not be haram (Allah knows best), another objective of my movie which was actually the main objective, is to reply to those confused free-minders on who invented a feel good religion after manipulating the Quran words to suit their low desires that Jahannam in the Quran can never be real, again, my action in replying to them can not be haram, I was refuting them in year 2005 not year 650, I also used my knowledge which Allah has given me regarding software to come up with such product which I believe is one of its kind, I?????????????????????¢??m, really proud of it

Back then I only had one reply from a sister who really appreciated my work and only criticised the background music, her criticism was only that the music is noisy, she never suggested that it is haram, I really respected her, however why I have to change the movie to suit one individual while such individual can simply put the volume all the way down?, see, I never told her so though, I just told her that I selected this music especially to express that hell is going to be noisy, and they will never have peace in it, then I just left the web site, I guess I got busy in many other things

Everything was revived yesterday when I gave them a visit and discovered that the url for ?????????????????????¢??You have been warned?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? movie is wrong after I moved it to another folder over a year ago, so I fixed it and apologised to them and just thought that no one will pay attention

One minute later I had the second reply (remember the first reply was back then by such nice sister) from a guy, the names are not included in the notifications email so I will just use quotes, however I remember the names of two guys from them (StreetWalker & Ahmed), I won?????????????????????¢??t be able to say which quote belongs to which one of them but I may try, sorry:

Second reply to my thread on www.sunniforum,org

The guy quoted part of my comment in the main thread back then:

I wanted to share it with you but I know that many sunnis believe that music is haram however I only believe that music will be _haram if associated with any act that is haram, I hope you enjoy the movie

See I just didn?????????????????????¢??t want to debate such subject, and back then they respected that, let?????????????????????¢??s now see how they changed:

1. so what you want to explain to quran aloners, that we use hadith but we dont follow it, ofcouse prophet mohammed (s.a.s) has said which means, singing and all in an act of hypocrisy or it produces hypocrisy

2. subhanallah, so if we use music along with namaz in masjid it is going to become halal

I started my reply to him by greeting him: but see how confused and a jerk that freak is, he is talking SINGING and I?????????????????????¢??m talking MUSIC, not sure if both are the same, the fact of the matter that according to his man made hadith, they SANG for the prophet when he migrated to Madinah, I even asked that freak why the prophet didn?????????????????????¢??t stop them from SINGING if it was haram?

Also can you see that he provided nothing, he just made himself to be one of those chain of narrators, hahahaha, this is so funny, now for myself (the poor slave of Allah), I have to take what that jerk said for granted as if he is also one of those narrators, very ironic

Now if you look at his point # 2, you can see that he is really a jerk, he is confusing the subject with namaz (prayer) despite I never talked about namaz nor I suggested that we do namaz with music, see how he is mocking using the words subhanallah, so if we use music along with namaz in masjid it is going to become halal

My reply to such freak as far as I remember that I called his hadith books, ?????????????????????¢??Man made hadith?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, which is 100% accurate, I also asked him what he means by (s.a.s), bolded in his point # 1 above

I also believe that I asked him what is Allah ruling regarding the following two issues:

1) Allah punishment for the Zani and Zania
2) Allah reasons to shorten the prayer

Then I ended my reply by greeting him again

This is how he replied back:

hmmm... u really seem to be a good refuter :)
s.a.s = Sal-lal-lahu A'laihiwa Sallam
which man made hadith brother

As you can see, he failed to RETURN the greeting, in defiance to Allah commands in the Quran, let me show you the verse:

And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better (greeting) than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all things.

[The Quran ; 4:86]

وَإِذَا حُيِّيْتُم بِتَحِيَّةٍ فَحَيُّواْ بِأَحْسَنَ مِنْهَا أَوْ رُدُّوهَا إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَسِيبًا (86)

-> See how clear it is :?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet with a better (greeting) than it or return it; surely Allah takes account of all things.?????????????????????¢??????????????????????

See how many Muslims don?????????????????????¢??t even know the simplest thing in their holy book which is to return a greeting the same or better it, that is an order from Allah to the believers, the problem is, many Muslims on the net try hard to convince us that they are role models of Muslims while they really don?????????????????????¢??t follow the simplest command in their Quran

See how his reply to the meaning of (s.a.s) which I asked, is very vague, he does not look like he knows Arabic, you know one of those parrots, who parrot words without knowing what they mean, so the freak is telling us that: (s.a.s) = Sal-lal-lahu A'laihiwa Sallam

I. Bloody E.

1) (s.......) = Sal-lal-lahu
2) (?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¦a...) = A'laihiwa
3) (?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¦?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¦s) = Sallam

I.e. He omitted the word Allah, not even the middle letter ?????????????????????¢??a?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? = Allah and just being abbreviated to "a", rather he totally omitted the word Allah while writing the word Mohammed in full, let me show you what he wrote: ofcouse prophet mohammed(s.a.s)

See i.e. Mohammed for him is more important to praise than Allah, and even when praising Mohammed using Salla Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam, the freaks are too lazy to write the word Allah, not even abbreviating it to the letter ?????????????????????¢??A?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, but totally ommiting it

What crap is that brothers and sisters, their stupid actions that millions of Muslims commit every day reminds me with a verse from the Quran, let me bring it in here:

And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful.

[The Quran ; 39:45]

وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ اشْمَأَزَّتْ قُلُوبُ الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ الَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ إِذَا هُمْ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ (45)

-> See: And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful., while I agree that those guys may be claiming to believe in the hereafter (Allah only knows of course) yet the similarity is stricking that they only care about praising Mohammed when his name is mentioned, but when Allah name is mentioned (used to praise Mohammed) they even lazy to write it down and just omit it.

I also told such freak that he said nothing for me to refute, see how he was mocking me by saying; u really seem to be a good refuter , indeed he said nothing for me to refute

For his last question about what I call 'man made hadith', I replied by giving him 3 examples:

1) Sahih Bukhari
2) Sahih Muslim
3) Musannad Ahmed

Then I told him that there is more, I actually mocked him by saying that he should be smarter than that but to fail to know what I mean by man made hadith is nothing but shiftiness, I wonder if those freaks claim that the man made hadith is divine or somethin

Now comes the second jerk whom I clearly called a jerk, I fear no one but Allah and I have to expose any one even my parents and the nearest to me

See how he is mocking by calling me Sheikh Al Islam, he even lied and put words to my mouth that I have never said:

Owww sheikhul islam ahmed bahgat gave us a fatwa that music is halal. ANd now proof your this words:* music will be haram if associated with any act ,

See, I never gave any fatwa, all I said that it is not haram if associated with an act that is not haram, yet he is manipulating it that I said ANY ACT

A clear cut liar he is and I told him that he has to be a liar

Look what the jerk said next:

AND also proof from quran that backstreetboys or westlife and other music is halal.

And you know me well guys that I have to dismiss the above crap, that boy is actually named Streetwalker as far as I remember, obviously he is a fan of backstreetboys

And here is his manipulation again, as if these are the words that I said:

I dont see any haram associated things in their music!

See mates, a clear cut jerk as well a liar

Let?????????????????????¢??s move on to the next reply I got, I think it was by a guy named ?????????????????????¢??Ahmed?????????????????????¢??????????????????????:

music is haraam
if you cant accept that... you become a quran deny 1 ayah is tantamount to kufr..ask an aalim

See guys just a typical one liner who spew conjectures in a matter that should only be ruled by Allah, if you read my article which I decided to post on that thread and I think it was so strong that they deleted it, you should read a verse in the Quran that clearly prohibits all believers from saying THAT IS HARAM AND THAT IS HALAL, the verse even state that those who do as such are forging lies against Allah

Also in the same article you should read that we should not seek other than Allah for a judge, you should also read that we should only rule with what Allah has sent down, so I confronted such one liner who shirk Allah rulings with some other man made rules that we never read it in the Quran, yet he refers it back to the Quran, how silly are such Mushrikoon man, that was it for me and I decided to post the whole article ?????????????????????¢??Exposing Al Mushrikoon?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? that I wrote over a year ago

And while doing so, the jerk streetwalker replied with further mocking and that is when I called him a jerk (I believe) and I believe the Mods there deleted the whole thread possibly by using my use of jerk as an excuse, however I believe that it was deleted because they could not refute it, typical reaction by all sects followers

The above is to the best of my memory, I may have missed some comments but sorry, I could not find it in the emails, I?????????????????????¢??m sure there was more

One final action that I took was to inform the Mods with their unjust and bias, as well informing them that this will be my last post, of course such places are not for me

Salam all and sorry for the headache but I need it for my log book
Post Posted:
Mon 17 Mar, 2008 4:28 pm
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Post subject: Re: The Muslims on Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
Salam all

I joined that board in 2005, never been very active though, it's just another place where they indulge themselves with the hearsay hadith, back then I posted my movie "You have been warned", then today I went there and posted the new link to the movie, a debate initiated by some freaks who came in to mock me, most of them are clear cut jerks btw, when things heated up and I started posting my article "Exposing Al Mushrikoon", they deleted the whole thread without any warning, I informed them with their shame in another thread which I'm sure will be deleted by those bias and unjust sect followers, I will never post there again, for me, they are nothing but a bunch of cowards who can not reply to those who are exposing them, they prefer to stay dumb, deaf, blind and mute indulging in their shirk

May Allah guide them


I will go and have a look.

Cheers, mate
Post Posted:
Sun 23 Mar, 2008 1:35 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

What ignorant freaks brother. They rely too much on the hadiths and don't focus enough time on the Quran.


Islam will overcome
Post Posted:
Mon 24 Mar, 2008 1:00 am
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